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Multichannel Perfusion System
Multichannel Perfusion System
MPS-2 is a unique perfusion system designed and optimized specifically for single-channel and whole-cell patch perfusion applications. Offering the best combination of performance and value, the MPS-2 incorporates the same high quality solenoid valves found on similar but much more expensive systems. Available from World Precision Instruments, the system can be controlled manually (i.e., via membrane switches on the front panel) or through a PC. Two different manual control modes are offered: One controls each channel independently and the other mode allows the user to assign a master channel that will keep the system flow when all other channels are switched off. User-friendly graphic timing software is included, and the programmed perfusion sequence can be started by computer, a patch clamp amplifier or other external trigger, or manually by the user.

WPI, USA (05/02/2004)
Mark NTL204-12

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